张守宝,男,汉族,中共党员,1979年9月生,博士,副教授,硕士研究生导师,被授予中央和国家机关优秀援疆干部人才、北京高校优秀共产党员等荣誉称号。主要从事煤炭资源安全开采和矿山压力与岩层控制等方面的教学和研究工作。主持和参加国家自然科学基金、教育部博士点基金等科研、教研项目10余项,获得省部级科技奖励一等奖三项,二、三等奖8项;在煤炭学报、应用基础与工程学报、Journal of Coal Science &Engineering等期刊发表学术论文20余篇,授权国家发明和实用新型专利8项。教学方面主要讲授课程有《岩土工程》、《矿山岩土力学》、《地下建设结构设计》、《应用统计学》和《矿山压力实测与模拟技术》等本科生和研究生课程。
(1)张守宝,李政,王宇,王刚,张振波,任超.煤泥岩硐室群区巷道底臌控制机理及应用[J].应用基础与工程科学学报,2017, vol25(4):712-723
(2)张守宝,谢生荣,何富连。液压支架泄漏检测方法的分析与实践,煤炭学报,2010,vol35(1): 145-148.
(3)Zhang shoubao, Zhang Hui, Xie Shengrong, He Fulian. Combined emission characteristics and control technology of gob gas in ultra-close seams[C]. Procedia engineering, Progress on mine safety science and engineering. 2011:P1329-1334
(4)Zhang Shoubao, He Fulian. Study and application on compound active pre-stressed support system. Progress in Safety Science and Technology VII.2008: 2478-2481.
(5)Zhang Shoubao, He Fulian , Xie Shengrong. Study on support mechanism of pre-stressed truss cable and its application. Journal of Coal Science &Engineering [China]. 2007, Vol.13(4): 500-502.
(6)Shoubao Zhang, Huan Wang,and Ruipeng Qian. Analysis of Energy Dissipation with Stress Wave during Impact Coal Cutting[J].International Journal of Engineering Research in Africa.Vol.11(2014):45-50
(7)Zhang Shoubao, Qian Ruipeng, Xue Shanbin, Wang Zhiliu, Wang Yanfei and Wu Huankai. Mechanical analysis and selection of hydraulic powered supports in fully mechanized coal caving face[J].Journal of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Research, 2014, 6(8):162-169
Short Biosketch ofAssociateProfessorShoubaoZhang
Bored in 1979,Shandong, China,ShoubaoZhangreceived his BAandMAat TaiyuanUniversityofTechnologyin 2002 and 2005,andthen receivedPhD at Universityof Scienceand TechnologyBeijing in 2009.
Zhanghas Long-term commitment to the aspects of teaching and scientific research work,including safety mining of coal resources,mining pressure and strata controland rockmechanicsin coal mining.Zhangreceived scientific and educational awards including3firstprize ofscience and technology of Hebei Province and China coal society,8 second prize.Zhang has authored over 20 refereed journal papers, including selected papers like
(1)Zhang Shoubao, Li Zheng,Wang Yu et al.Floor heave control technology of ingate surrounding with coal and soft mudstone in chamber group[J].Journal of Basic Science&Engineering. 2017,vol25 (4):712-723
(2)Zhang Shoubao,Xie Shengrong,He Fulian.Analysis and practice of detection method on hydraulic powered support leak failures[J].Journal of China Coal Society,2010,vol35(1): 145-148.
(3)Zhang shoubao, Zhang Hui, Xie Shengrong, He Fulian. Combined emission characteristics and control technology of gob gas in ultra-close seams[C]. Procedia engineering, Progress on mine safety science and engineering. 2011:P1329-1334
(4)Zhang Shoubao, He Fulian. Study and application on compound active pre-stressed support system. Progress in Safety Science and Technology VII.2008: 2478-2481.
(5)Zhang Shoubao, He Fulian , Xie Shengrong. Study on support mechanism of pre-stressed truss cable and its application. Journal of Coal Science &Engineering [China]. 2007, Vol.13(4): 500-502.
(6)Shoubao Zhang, Huan Wang,and Ruipeng Qian. Analysis of Energy Dissipation with Stress Wave during Impact Coal Cutting[J].International Journal of Engineering Research in Africa.Vol.11(2014):45-50
(7)Zhang Shoubao, Qian Ruipeng, Xue Shanbin, Wang Zhiliu, Wang Yanfei and Wu Huankai. Mechanical analysis and selection of hydraulic powered supports in fully mechanized coal caving face[J].Journal of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Research, 2014, 6(8):162-169