Short Biosketch of Dr. Xuejie Deng
Bored in 1989, Shanxi, China, X. Deng received his BA, MA and PhD at China University of Mining and Technology (CUMT) in 2010, 2013 and 2017. He was a visiting research student at the University of British Columbia, Canada, from 2015 to 2017. He is now an Associate Professor at school of energy and mining engineering of CUMT Beijing.
X. Deng has long term research experience with backfill mining and ground control, new backfill materials, rheology, mine waste disposal and environmental protection. He presided over 2 project funded by National Natural Science Foundation of China, 1 project funded by National Key Laboratory of Coal Resources and Safe Mining, 1 subproject of National Key R&D Program, and participated in more than 10 enterprise cooperation projects and international cooperation projects.
X. Deng won 1 second prize for outstanding scientific research achievements in higher education institutions of the Ministry of Education (ranked 3rd), and 3 second prize of China Coal Industry Science and Technology Award (ranked 1st, 1st, 2nd). He has published more than 50 academic papers in high-level journals, 1 monograph, 1 textbook, 2 national energy industry standards, more than 10 authorized invention patents, and 1 international PCT patent. His 10 representative papers are listed as follows:
[1] Xuejie Deng*, Zongxuan Yuan, Yu Li, Hao Liu, Jianye Feng, Benjamin de Wit; Experimental study on the mechanical properties of microbial mixed backfill; Construction and Building Materials, 2020.09.19, 265 (2020): 120643
[2] Xuejie Deng*, Jixiong Zhang, Bern Klein, Benjamin de Wit, Junwen Zhang; Time-dependent lateral pressure of the filling barricade for roadway cemented backfill mining technology; Mech Time-Depend Mater. 2020.02.28. 24(1):41-58.
[3] Xuejie Deng*; Bern Klein; Libin Tong; Benjamin de Wit, Experimental study on the rheological behavior of ultra-fine cemented backfill, Construction and Building Materials, 2018.1, 158: 985~994
[4] Xuejie Deng*; Jixiong Zhang; Bern Klein; Nan Zhou; Benjamin deWit, Experimental characterization of the influence of solid components on the rheological and mechanical properties of cemented paste backfill, International Journal of Mineral Processing, 2017.11.10, 168: 116~125
[5] Xuejie Deng*; Klein, B.; Hallbom, D. J.; de Wit, B.; Zhang, J.X., Influence of Particle Size on the Basic and Time-Dependent Rheological Behaviors of Cemented Paste Backfill, Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, 2018, 27(7): 3478-3487
[6] Xuejie Deng*; Jixiong Zhang; Nan Zhou; Benjamin de Wit; Chengtie Wang, Upward slicing longwall-roadway cemented backfilling technology for mining an extra-thick coal seam located under aquifers: a case study, Environmental Earth Sciences, 2017.11.27, 76: 789
[7] Xuejie Deng*; Bern Klein; Jixiong Zhang; Don Hallbom; Benjamin de Wit, Time-dependent rheological behaviour of cemented backfill mixture, International Journal of Mining, Reclamation and Environment, 2016.9.30, 32: 1~18
[8] Xuejie Deng*; Jixiong Zhang*; Benjamin W. de Wit; Feng Ju, Pressure Propagation Characteristics of Solid Waste Backfilling Material During Compaction and Its Applications In Situ, Geotechnical and Geological Engineering, 2016.8.17, 34(5): 1631~1642
[9] Xuejie Deng; Jixiong Zhang*; Tao Kang; Xiaole Han, Strata behavior in extra-thick coal seam mining with upward slicing backfilling technology, International Journal of Mining Science and Technology, 2016.5.24, 26(4): 587~592
[10] Xuejie Deng; Jixiong Zhang; Peng Huang; Qiang Zhang; Xiongfei Hao, Roof movement characteristics in extra thick coal seam mining with the upward slicing filling technology, Journal of China Coal Society, 2015.5.15, (05): 994~1000 (In Chinese)
Contact: Dr. Xuejie DENG, Associate Professor
School of Energy and Mining Engineering
China University of Mining and Technology, Beijing
D11, Xueyuan Road, Haidian, Beijing 100083, PR China
Email: dengxj@cumtb.edu.cn, dengxj1989@gmail.com
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-6320-843X