Huang Yucheng
Professor, DoctoralSupervisorof MiningEngineering
School of Energy and Mining Engineering,China University of Mining and Technology (Beijing)
BeijingXueyuan Road D11, Beijing 100083, China
Biographical Sketch:
HuangYucheng,Born inChaohu,Anhui,in 1966, isnow a professor,doctoral supervisorofChina University of Mining and Technology (Beijing). He was awardedDoctor degree inMiningEngineering from China University of Mining and Technology (Beijing) in 1998.
Histeaching and research interests are mining engineering, filling mining, filling fire prevention,mining pressure and strata control. He haswon6nationalorprovincial science and technology progress award,published3books and more than 50 papers.
As the project responsible person or the major participants,he has finishedthe National Natural Science Fund Project,the national key scientific and technological project, international cooperation project and school-enterprise cooperation project, such asmore than 30 items.
(1)Research and application of the test method on high density gangue backfill slurry’s rheological parameters,China Miningmagazine,Vol.25, No.2, 2016
(2)Application and thetechnologyof coal mining with paste-like roadway filling,Coal Science and Technology,Vol.42, No.1, 2014
(3)Numerical simulationstudy on paste-likeslurryflow at elbow section of transtportation pipeline,Coal engineering,Vol.46, No.3, 2014
(4)Practice of the technology ofcoal miningwith paste-likefillingunder water,China Miningmagazine,Vol.22, No.7,Jul.2013
(5)Studyon therheologicalmodel and flow state of paste-like fill slurry,China Miningmagazine,Vol.18, No.4, 2009
(6)Study on Artificial Roof Stability of Downward Drift Mining with High-water Solidifying Backfill,Proceedings of the 8th International Symposium on Mining with Backfill,Sep.2004
(7)Experimental Study on the Mechanical Properties of Paste-like Fill Material,Journal of China University of Mining & Technology,Vol.14, No.2, 2004
(8)PrimaryResearch onPhaseTransformationandTinyJetStreamof Paste-like in thePipelineTransportation,China Miningmagazine,Vol.14, No.5, 2005
(9)ExperimentalStudy on theRheologicalCharacteristic of Paste-like Slurry with Tailings as Aggregate,MetalMine,No.6, 2003
(10)Discussion on feasibil ity of coal mining under buildingstructures with l ike gypsum material backfilling,Coal Science and Technology,Vol.31, No.10, 2003