郭晓菲,男,汉族,中共党员,1990年6月出生,山西晋中人,博士(后),现为hth华体会网页版(北京)能源与矿业学院副教授。2014年6月获hth华体会网页版(北京)采矿工程专业学士学位,同年直接攻读博士学位,2019年6月获hth华体会网页版(北京)采矿工程专业博士学位,2017年11月至2018年11月在美国宾西法尼亚州立大学访学一年。主要从事矿山压力与岩层控制方向的研究,主持国家自然科学基金青年项目1项,参与国家重点研发计划项目课题1项、国家973计划项目课题1项、国家自然科学基金重点项目2项,获省部级科技步奖5项,先后在《International Journal of Mining Science and Technology》、《GeomechanicsandEngineering》、《煤炭学报》、《hth华体会网页版学报》等学术期刊上发表学术论文20余篇。
Short Bio-sketch of Post-doctor Xiaofei Guo
Born in 1990, Jinzhong City, Shanxi Province, China, X.F. Guo serves as aLecturer at School of Energy and Mining Engineering,China University of Mining & Technology (Beijing) now. X.F. Guo received his BA and PhD at China University of Mining and Technology (Beijing) in 2014 and 2019. He visited Pennsylvania State University for one year during his doctoral career. X.F. Guo is mainly engaged in the study of rock pressure and strata control.He has 1 project of the Youth Branch of National Natural Science Foundation of China, and participated in 1 National Key R&D Project, 1 project of National Program 973,2key project of National Natural Science Foundation. He has won five prizes for science and technology progress at the provincial and ministerial level. He has authored more than 20 papers in academic journals, such as “International Journal of Mining Science and Technology”,“Geomechanics and Engineering”,“Journal of China Coal Society” and “Journal of China University of mining and technology”.
(1)Guo XF, LiC, HuoTH. Shapes and formation mechanism of the plastic zone surrounding circular roadway under partial confining stress in deep mining[J]. Geomechanics and Engineering, 2021,25(06): 509-520.
(2)Guo XF, LiC, HuoTH. A quantitative evaluation method on the stability of roadway surrounding rock in partial confining stress based on plastic zone shapes[J].Geomechanics and Engineering, 2021,25(05): 405-415.
(3)Guo XF,Guo LF, Li C, Ma NJ, Zhao ZQ, Huo TH.A quantitative assessment method of roadway rockburst risk based on the plastic zone shape coefficient[J].Journal ofChina University of MiningandTechnology,2021,50(01):39-49+78.
(4)Guo XF,Guo LF, Ma NJ, Zhao ZQ, Li C.Applicability analysis of the butterfly failure theory[J].Journal ofChina University of MiningandTechnology, 2020, 49(04):646-653+660.
(5)Guo XF, Zhao ZQ, Gao X, Wu XY, Ma NJ. Analytical solutions for characteristic radii of circular roadwaysurrounding rock plastic zone and their application. International Journal of Mining Science and Technology 2019, 29(2):263-272.
(6)Guo XF, Ma NJ, Zhao XD, Zhao ZQ, Li YE. The general shapes and criterion for surrounding rock mass plastic zone of round roadway. Journal of China Coal Society 2016, 41(8):1871-1877.
(7)Ma NJ,Guo XF, Zhao XD, Li J, Yan ZX. Theoretical analysis and application about permeability-increasing radius of drilling for simultaneous exploitation of coal and gas. Journal of China Coal Society 2016, 41(1):120-127.
(8) Ma NJ,Guo XF, Zhao ZQ, Zhao XD, Liu HT. Occurrence mechanisms and judging criterion on circular roadway butterfly rock burst in homogeneous medium. Journal of China Coal Society 2016,41(11):2679-88.
School of Energy and Mining Engineering
China University of Mining and Technology, Beijing
Xueyuan Road D11, Beijing 100083, PR China
Email: xiaofeidr@163.com