Short Biosketch of Professor Zhiqiang Wang
Zhiqiang Wang is a professor and a Ph.D. Supervisor at School of Energy and Mining Engineering, China University of Mining and Technology, Beijing (CUMTB). Academician of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences (РАЕН), Vice President of the School of Energy and Mining, He was once the assistant chief engineer (temporary post) of Shanxi Huozhou Coal and Electricity Jinbei Fenyuan Coal Industry Co., Ltd., the deputy director of the mining department of Xinjiang Institute of Engineering (Xinjiang aid), and a Visiting scholar of Moscow State Research and Technology University in Russia (MISIS), Also serving as an international academic committee member of the Nobel Communication Center in Russia (NCCR). Academic member of the Beijing Crustal Stress-Strain Field Scientific Observation Station of the Ministry of Natural Resources (MNR), Managing director of the Soft Rock Engineering and Deep Disaster Control Branch of the Chinese Society for Rock Mechanics&Engineering (CSRME), Director of the Mining Rock Mechanics Branch of the CSRME, Director of the Quality Management Branch of the China National Coal Association (CNCA), Director of the China-Russian Dynamics Research Center of the CUMTB, Editorial board member of the Journal of Coal Engineering (JCE), Youth Editorial Board Member of the Journal of Coal Science and Technology (JCST).
Now, Prof. Wang's main research are staggered green mining, non pillar final mining, residual coal remining, etc. The concept of "continuous mining" in underground time and space was proposed, and the "mine complex geological dynamic system method" was jointly proposed, which was certified by the Chinese Society of Industry and Applied Mathematics (CSIAM) for the achievement of applied mathematics (4 people nationwide).
So far, Prof. Wang has won the "Eighth Batch of Outstanding Cadre Talents of Central and State Organs and Central Enterprises in Xinjiang" and "One Time Merit Recording" awarded by the CPC Xinjiang Committee/People's Government, and won the "Outstanding Contribution Award" for the 60th anniversary of the founding of the JCE (10 people nationwide), "Outstanding Reviewer" and "Outstanding Contribution Expert" of the JCST. He performs as the director of over 30 projects including that from National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC), State Key Laboratory for Green and Safe Coal Development in Western China,and coal mining enterprises, Research achievements won 1 first prize of the Ministry of Education for Science and Technology Progress, 1 first prize of Coal in China for Science and Technology Progress, and many other provincial and ministerial awards. He has won 24 authorized invention patents, published 4 monographs, and published nearly 100 academic papers.
主持科研项目(Hosting in scientific research projects):
代表性学术论著(Representative research achievements and academic awards):
[1] Zhiqiang Wang, Jiao Zhang, Jingkai Li, etc. Research of surrounding rock control of gob-side entry retaining based on deviatoric stress distribution characteristics. Sustainability, 2022.
[2] Zhiqiang Wang, Jingkai Li, Zhongcheng Qin,etc. Height identification of water-permeable fractured zone based on synchronous movement in overlying strata. Scientific Reports, 2022.
[3] Ван Цжизян, Цяо Цзаньюн, Су Циехуа. Природоохранный эффект технологии разработки мощных угольных пластов со ступенчатым расположением штреков[J]. Горный информационно аналитический бюллетень, 2021.
[4] 王志强, 武超, 罗健侨等. 特厚煤层巨厚顶板分层综采工作面区段煤柱失稳机理及控制[J]. 煤炭学报, 2021.
[5] 王志强, 石磊, 武超等. 极近距煤层(群)共采类型划分及夹层稳定性分析[J]. 采矿与安全工程学报, 2021.
[6] 王志强, 王鹏, 吕文玉等. 沿空巷道非对称底鼓机理及防控研究[J]. 采矿与安全工程学报, 2021.
[7] 王志强, 苏越, 苏泽华等. 外错式区段间相邻巷道锚杆联合支护作用机理研究[J]. 采矿与安全工程学报, 2021.
[8] 王志强, 苏越, 苏泽华等. 区段间相邻巷道锚杆-锚索联合支护协调作用机理研究[J]. 采矿与安全工程学报, 2020.
[9] 王志强, 王鹏, 石磊等. 基于沿空巷道围岩应力分析的防冲机理研究[J]. hth华体会网页版学报, 2020.
[10] 王志强, 郭磊, 苏泽华等. 倾斜中厚煤层错层位外错式巷道布置及相邻巷道联合支护技术[J]. 煤炭学报, 2020.
[11] 王志强, 武超, 石磊等. 基于复变理论的双向不等压圆形巷道围岩应力及塑性区分析[J]. 煤炭学报, 2019.
[12] 王志强, 苏越, 石磊等. 错层位外错式沿空掘巷机理及相邻巷道的立体化联合支护技术[J]. 煤炭学报, 2018.
[13] 王志强, 苏越, 宋梓瑜等. 超长推进距离工作面双巷布置沿空掘巷技术及应用效果分析[J]. 岩石力学与工程学报, 2018.
[14] 王志强, 张俊文, 田柯. 厚煤层错层位巷道布置全厚开采技术研究及应用[M]. 北京: 煤炭工业出版社, 2018.
[15] 王志强, 姚善泳, 王朋飞, 靖学颖. 孤岛煤柱对下伏大巷围岩稳定性的影响与支护技术研究[M]. 北京: 煤炭工业出版社, 2018.
Contact: Dr. Zhiqiang Wang, Professor
School of Energy and Mining Engineering
China University of Mining and Technology, Beijing
Xueyuan Road D11, Beijing 100083, PR China
Tel: 13810796225
Email: wzhiqianglhm@126.com