Short Biosketch of ProfessorHongbao Zhao
Professor Hongbao Zhao, male, is a member of CPC andwas born in Dezhoucity, Shandong Province in June 1980.Prof. Zhao currentlyis a faculty, professor and doctoral supervisor at the School of Energy and Mining, China University of Mining & Technology, Beijing, and has also been a visiting scholar at the University of Southern California in the United States. His main research areas are Mining Rock Mechanics, and Prediction and Prevention of Gas disaster. He takes many roles such as the youth committee member ofChina Coal Society, and the committee member of Chinese Society for Rock Mechanics & Engineering. He is also the expert reviewer ofthe National Natural Science Foundation of China, China National Coal Association, Academic Degree Education Evaluating Committee of MOE and more than 10 international and domestic journals. Prof. Zhao has conducted4scientific research projects at the national level, more than 10 at the provincial and ministerial levels, and more than 10 for university-enterprise cooperation.He has published more than 60 papers in important academic journals either at homeorabroad, of which more than 40 have been indexed by SCI and EI.He has been granted 6 invention patents and 3 software copyrights andhas obtained 7 provincial awards, published 2 monographs, and participated in the compilation of 2 monographs.He has supervised 4 doctoral students and 35 master's students as well.
1.Hongbao Zhao,Huan Zhang, Huahua Li, etal.Formation and fractal characteristics of main fracture surface of redsandstone under restrictive shear creep[J].International Journal ofRock Mechanics & Mining Sciences,98(2017)181–190.
2.Hongbao Zhao, Huan Zhang,Guilin Hu,etal.Numerical calculation andstress analysis of crack evolutionin coal with a central hole undernonuniform load[J].Materials testing,59(2017)811-820.
3.Hongbao Zhao,Tao Wang,Huan Zhang, etal.Permeability characteristics of coal containing gangue under the effect ofadsorption[J].Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering,174(2019)553–562.
4.Hongbao Zhao,Tao Wang,Huan Zhang, etal.Comparison oflocalloadinfluence oncrackevolution ofcoal
andbriquettecoalsamples[J].Advances in Civil Engineering,10.1155/2018/1790785.
5.赵洪宝,琚楠松,王飞虎,等.单向约束条件下摆锤冲击对煤岩损伤的影响[J].岩石力学与工程学报,2018,37(s2): 4047-4055.
6.赵洪宝,张 欢,王中伟,等.冲击载荷对煤样表面裂纹扩展特征影响研究[J].hth华体会网页版学报,2018,47(2):280-289.
9.赵洪宝,王中伟,胡桂林.动力冲击对煤岩内部微结构影响的NMR定量表征[J].岩石力学与工程学报,2016,35 (8):1569-1578.