Short Biosketch ofZhenming SUN
Bored in 1986,Shouguang, China,Z.M. Sunreceived his BAand PhD atUniversity Of Science & Technology Beijingin2009and2014. He served as apostdoctor at Peking University between 2014 and 2016, a lecturerat China University of Mining and Technology (Beijing) since 2016.Sunhas long term experience withapplications of computer methodsin energy development and mining engineering.Sunhas participated in many projects andreceivedChina Coal Industry Association Science and Technology Progress Award.Sunhas authoredover10refereed journal papers, including selected papers like
(1)Zhenming Sun, Shanjun Mao, Chunlei Wu. Assistant decision system of gas explosion emergency rescue based on monitoring data and CFD[J]. Safety in Coal Mines, 2016, 47(3):83-86.
(2)Zhenming Sun, Shanjun Mao, Hegang Qi, et al. Research and application of coal mining face 3D geological spatial analysis method[J]. Coal Science and Technology, 2016, 44(5):177-182.
(3)Zhenming Sun, Mei Li, Huikun Hou, et al. Study and design on support visualization system of gateway in mining block of mine[J]. Coal Science and Technology, 2016, 44(2):153-157.
(4)Zhenming Sun, Shanjun Mao, Hegang Qi, et al. Dynamic correction of coal mine three-dimensional geological model[J]. Journal of China Coal Society, 2014, 39(05):918-924.
(5)Zhenming Sun, Shanjun Mao, Mei Li, et al. Research and implementation on algorithm of geological section map automatic generation based on GIS[J]. Coal Engineering, 2014, 46(04):99-102.
Contact:Dr.Zhenming SUN
School of Energy and Mining Engineering
China University of Mining and Technology, Beijing
Xueyuan Road D11, Beijing 100083, PR China