主要从事厚煤层绿色智能开采、煤岩识别与智能放煤等方面研究。参与国家重点研发计划子任务1项、国家自然科学基金重点项目1项,面上基金2项,多项企业横向项目,研究成果获省级/行业协会一等奖4项,二等奖4项。在《Construction and Building Materials》、《Granular Matter》、《Optik》、《煤炭学报》等国内外学术刊物上发表论文30余篇,SCI/EI收录23篇,出版专著1部。授权国内发明专利10项,国际专利1项,软件著作权2项。
Short Biosketch of Dr. Lianghui Li
Bored in 1992, Anhui, China. L.H. Li received his BA at China University of Mining and Technology (CUMT) in 2014, and received his MEng and PhD at China University of Mining and Technology-Beijing (CUMTB) in 2019 and 2023. He was a visiting research student at the University of British Columbia, Canada, from 2021 to 2022. He is now a lecturer at School of Energy and Mining Engineering of CUMTB.
L.H. Li has a long experience in green and intelligent mining for thick coal seam, coal-rock recognition, and intelligent top coal drawing. He has participated in 1 National Key R&D Program of China, 1 key project, and 2 general projects of National Natural Science Foundation of China.
L.H. Li has received 4 First Class Prizes and 4 Second Class Prizes of Provincial-Level and Industry Associations-Level Science and Technology Awards. He has published more than 30 academic papers in high-level journals, 1 monograph, and more than 10 authorized invention patents. His 10 representative papers and monograph are listed as follows:
1. Li Lianghui, Wang Jiachen, Yang Shengli, et al. Estimate of three-dimensional Wadell roundness of irregular particles using image processing and topographic analysis[J]. Construction and Building Materials, 2023, 396: 132273.
2. Li Lianghui, Wang Jiachen, Yang Shengli, et al. A voxel-based clump generation method used for DEM simulations[J]. Granular Matter, 2022, 24(3): 89.
3. Li Lianghui, Wang Jiachen, Yang Shengli, et al. Smart control methodology for light sources based on halogen lamp–a solution for eco-and user-friendly lighting in underground mining[J]. Optik, 2021, 242: 167085.
4. Li Lianghui, Wang Jiachen, Yang Shengli, et al. Binocular stereo vision based illuminance measurement used for intelligent lighting with LED[J]. Optik, 2021, 237: 166651.
5. Wang Jiachen, Li Lianghui*, Yang Shengli. Image based rock mixing ratio estimation by using illuminance analysis in underground mining [J]. International Journal of Coal Preparation and Utilization, 2022, 42(12): 3745-3762.
6. Yang Shengli, Li Lianghui*, Deng Xuejie. Disaster-causing mechanism of roof “toppling–slumping” failure in a horizontal sublevel top-coal caving face[J]. Natural Hazards, 2020, 100(2):757-780.
7. Yin Kexin*, Li Lianghui*, Di Filippo Eugenia. A numerical investigation to determine the p–y curves of laterally loaded piles[J]. Mathematics, 2021, 9(21): 2783.
8. Wang Jiachen,Li Lianghui*,Yang Shengli. Experimental study on gray and texture features extraction of coal and gangue image under different illuminance[J]. Journal of China Coal Society, 2018, 43(11): 3051-3061.
9. Wang Jiachen, Pan Weidong, Zhang Guoying, Yang Shengli, Yang Kehu, Li Lianghui*. Principles and applications of image-based recognition of withdrawn coal and intelligent control of draw opening in longwall top coal caving face[J]. Journal of China Coal Society, 2022, 47(1): 87-101.
10. Wang Jiachen, Wei Weijie, Zhang Guoying, Li Lianghui, Top coal drawing mechanism and intelligent drawing[M], Beijing, Science Press, 2022.
Contact: Dr. Lianghui Li, Lecturer
School of Energy and Mining Engineering
China University of Mining and Technology-Beijing
Xueyuan Road D11, Beijing 100083, PR China
Email: lilianghui@cumtb.edu.cn
ORCID: http://orcid.org/0000-0002-2474-056X