宋治祥,男,汉族,中共党员,江西宜春人,1994年12月生。2024年6月获hth华体会网页版(北京)工学博士学位,现为hth华体会网页版(北京)能源与矿业学院讲师。目前担任《Journal of Central South University》、《Journal of Safety and Sustainability》、《Geohazard Mechanics》和《矿产保护与利用》青年编委,《采矿与岩层控制工程学报》驻外(特邀)编辑及《Journal of Central South University》、《Geotechnical and Geological Engineering》、《Applied Rheology》、《采矿与岩层控制工程学报》等多个期刊审稿人。
主要从事煤矿深部卸压开采、深部岩石力学、冲击地压灾害防治、煤岩瓦斯复合灾害防治等方面的研究。主持博士拔尖创新人才培育基金项目2项,参与国家自然科学基金重点项目、国家自然科学基金企业创新发展联合基金重点项目、国家自然科学基金面上项目、国家重点研发计划子课题等科研项目8项,研究成果获省级/行业协会一等奖2项,二等奖1项。在《International Journal of Mining Science and Technology》、《Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering》、《Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering》、《Journal of Central South University》、《Journal of Structural Geology》、《煤炭学报》、《岩石力学与工程学报》等国内外著名学术刊物上发表SCI/EI检索论文30余篇,中国精品科技期刊顶尖学术论文(F5000)1篇,授权专利3项,参与编制团体标准3项。曾获国家奖学金(3次)、孙越崎优秀学生奖(2次)、北京市“优秀毕业生”、校级“优秀共产党员”、校级“优秀党务工作者”等荣誉累计30余项。个人相关事迹被人民日报、hth华体会网页版北京校官微等媒体进行了多次宣传与报道。
Short Biosketch of Dr. Zhixiang Song
Bored in December 1994, Jiangxi Province, P. R. China. Zhixiang SONG received his PhD degree in Mining Engineering at China University of Mining and Technology-Beijing (CUMTB) in 2024. Zhixiang SONG worked at School of Energy and Mining Engineering of CUMTB as a Lecturer.
Zhixiang SONG has a long experience in deep pressure-relief coal mining, deep rock mechanics, rock burst disaster prevention, combined disaster prevention of the coal, rock and gas. He has hosted two projects of PhD top innovative talent cultivation funding, has participated in 2 key projects and 1 general projects of National Natural Science Foundation of China and 2 National Key R&D Program of China. Zhixiang SONG has published more than 30 academic papers indexed by SCI or EI. In addition, he has received 2 first awards and 1 second awards. His 14 representative academic papers are listed below.
(1) Song Zhixiang, Zhang Junwen*, Zhang Yang, et al. Characterization and evaluation of brittleness of deep bedded sandstone from the perspective of the whole life-cycle evolution process. International Journal of Mining Science and Technology, 2023, 33(4): 481-502. (SCI收录,JCR一区TOP,IF=11.7)
(2) Song Zhixiang, Zhang Junwen*, Wang Shanyong, et al. Energy evolution characteristics and weak structure‑“Energy Flow” impact damaged mechanism of deep‑bedded sandstone. Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering, 2023, 56(3): 2017 - 2047. (SCI收录,JCR一区TOP,IF=5.5)
(3) Zhang Junwen, Song Zhixiang*, Zhang Lichao, et al. Mechanical behaviour of bedded sandstone under hydro-mechanical coupling. Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, 2024, 16(4): 1245-1261. (SCI收录,JCR一区,IF=9.4)
(4) Song Zhixiang, Zhang Junwen*, Dong Xukai, et al. Time-dependent behaviors and volumetric recovery phenomenon of sandstone under triaxial loading and unloading. Journal of Central South University, 2022, 29(12): 4002−4020. (SCI收录,JCR一区,IF=3.7)
(5) Song Zhixiang, Zhang Junwen*, Zhao Shankun, et al. Brittleness of layer sandstone under triaxial loading and unloading. Journal of Central South University, 2023, 30(7): 2234 – 2251. (SCI收录,JCR一区,IF=3.7)
(6) Zhang Junwen, Song Zhixiang*, Wang Shanyong. Mechanical behavior of deep sandstone under high stress - seepage coupling. Journal of Central South University, 2021, 28(10): 3190-3206. (SCI收录,JCR一区,IF=3.7)
(7) Zhang Junwen*, Song Zhixiang, Wang Shanyong. Experimental investigation on permeability and energy evolution characteristics of deep sandstone along three-stage loading path. Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment, 2020, 80(2): 1571-1584. (SCI收录,JCR一区,IF=3.7)
(8) Song Zhixiang, Zhang Junwen*. Research on the progressive failure process and fracture mechanism of rocks with the structural evolution perspective. Journal of Structural Geology, 2022, 154: 104484. (SCI收录,JCR二区,IF=2.6)
(9) Song Zhixiang, Zhang Junwen*, Zhang Lichao, et al. The permeability properties of bedded coal and rock: Review and new insights. Energy Science & Engineering, 2022, 10(4): 1544-1565. (SCI收录,JCR三区,IF=3.5)
(10) Song Zhixiang, Zhang Junwen*. Progressive failure mechanical behavior and response characteristics of sandstone under stress-seepage coupling. Journal of Geophysics and Engineering, 2021, 18(2): 200-218. (SCI收录,JCR三区,IF=1.6)
(11) Zhang Junwen*, Song Zhixiang, et al. Experimental investigation on progressive damage mechanical behavior of sandstone under true triaxial condition. Journal of China Coal Society, 2019, 44(9): 2700-2709. (in Chinese) (EI收录, 卓越)
(12) Zhang Junwen, Song Zhixiang, et al. Experimental study on mechanical behavior and permeability characteristics of sandstone under stress-seepage coupling. Chinese Journal of Rock Mechanics and Engineering, 2019, 38(7): 1364-1372. (in Chinese) (EI收录, 卓越)
(13) Zhang Junwen, Song Zhixiang, Liu Jinliang, et al. Architecture of structural regulation technology for rock burst disaster in deep mining of coal mine. Coal Science and Technology, 2022, 50(2): 27-36. (in Chinese) (EI收录, F5000)
(14) Zhang Junwen, Song Zhixiang. Mechanical response and failure characteristics of deep sandstone under triaxial loading and unloading. Journal of Mining & Safety Engineering, 2020, 37(2) :409-418+428. (in Chinese) (EI收录)
Contact: Dr. Zhixiang Song, Lecturer.
School of Energy and Mining Engineering
China University of Mining and Technology (Beijing)
Ding 11 Xueyuan Road, Beijing 100083, P. R. China
Tel: 18810705970
Email: songzx@cumtb.edu.cn; szxcumtb@126.com
ORCID: http://orcid.org/0000-0002-7797-5469