Jianhang CHEN is an associate professor working at the China University of Mining and Technology (Beijing). He is born in March 1989, Shandong Province, P. R. China. He graduated with a bachelor degree in mining engineering from the China University of Mining and Technology in 2011. In 2012, he went abroad and started his PhD at the University of New South Wales, Australia, funded by the China Scholarship Council. In November 2016, he graduated with a PhD degree in mining engineering from the University of New South Wales. In July 2017, he worked at China University of Mining and Technology (Beijing) as a Lecturer. In July 2020, he started working as an associate professor. His research interests include roadway reinforcement, load transfer mechanism of rock bolts, shear performance of grouting materials. The following is the representative publications:
[1]Chen, Jianhang; Liu, Lei; Zeng, Banquan; Tao, Kangming; Zhang, Cun; Zhao, Hongbao; Li, Danqi; Zhang, Junwen. A constitutive model to reveal the anchorage mechanism of fully bonded bolts.Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering. 2023. 56: 1739-1757.
[2]Chen, Jianhang; Li, Danqi. Numerical simulation of fully encapsulated rock bolts with a tri-linear constitutive relation.Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology. 2022. 120: 1-13.
[3]Chen, Jianhang; Hagan, Paul and Saydam, Serkan. Sample diameter effect on bonding capacity of fully grouted cable bolts,Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology. 2017. 68: 238-243.
[4]Chen, Jianhang; He, Fulian and Zhang, Shoubao. A study of the load transfer behavior of fully grouted rock bolts with analytical modelling,International Journal of Mining Science and Technology. 2020. 30 (1): 105-109.
[5]Chen, Jianhang; Zhang, Wenbo; Ma, Junming; Zeng, Banquan; Huang, Yu. An analytical approach to study the reinforcement performance of rock anchors.Engineering Failure Analysis. 2024. 160: 1-20.
[6]Chen, Jianhang; Hagan, Paul C; Saydam, Serkan. An experimental study of the specimen geometry effect on the axial performance of cement-based grouts.Construction and Building Materials. 2024. 310: 1-11.
[7]Chen, Jianhang; Zeng, Banquan; Liu, Lei; Tao, Kangming; Zhao, Hongbao; Zhang, Cun; Zhang, Junwen; Li, Danqi. Investigating the anchorage performance of full-grouted anchor bolts with a modified numerical simulation method.Engineering Failure Analysis. 2022. 141: 1-14.
[8]Chen, Jianhang; Paul C Hagan; Serkan Saydam. An experimental study of the specimen geometry effect on the axial performance of cement-based grouts.Construction and Building Materials. 2021. 310: 1-11.
[9]Chen, Jianhang; Liu, Peng; Zhao, Hongbao; Zhang, Cun and Zhang, Junwen. Analytical studying the axial performance of fully encapsulated rock bolts.Engineering Failure Analysis. 2021. 128: 1-16.
[10]Chen, Jianhang; Saydam, Serkan and Hagan, Paul. Numerical simulation of the pull-out behaviour of fully grouted cable bolts,Construction and Building Materials. 2018. 191: 1148-1158.
Contact: Jianhang CHEN, Associate Professor
School of Energy and Mining Engineering
China University of Mining and Technology (Beijing)
Ding 11 Xueyuan Road, Beijing 100083, P. R. China
Email: jianhang314@163.com