Dr. Bingwen WANG is currently a professor, doctoral supervisor and party branch secretary of Department of Resource Science and Engineering in the school of Energy and Mining Engineering at theChina University of Mining & Technology, Beijing. He was born in 1972, Haiyang City, Shandong Province, P. R. China. He graduated with a bachelor degree in mining engineering from the University of Science and Technology Beijing in 1994 and a PhD degree in mining engineering from the China University of Mining & Technology, Beijing in 2005. He was rewarded the Beijing famous teacher in 2021, Beijing university excellent moral education worker in 2022, and Beijing university excellent professional course lecturer in 2023. He is also a member of safety production expert in non-coal mines of China (2022~), a appointed expert of Beijing emergency management bureau (2019~2025), an emergency management consulting expert in Shandong Province, an editorial member of China Safety Science Journal, and a former member of the academic committee of the safety production key laboratory of the Ministry of Emergency Management of "Disaster Prevention and Control of Goaf" (2019~2024), a member of the expert committee of the university resources and environment poverty alleviation alliance, as well as a senior security audit expert specially hired by the China occupational safety and health association. He has won 4 provincial and ministerial first prizes, 7 second prizes, and 1 Beijing excellent textbook. He has published 3 books, participated in the compilation of 1 textbook, and authorized 3 national invention patents. He has presided over more than 20 research projects and published more than 60 academic papers. His research interests mainly include the method and technology of resource exploitation, theory and technology of mine filling, safe disposal of mine solid wastes, and disaster prevention and control of mine rock mass. Some representative publications are shown below.
[1]Wang Bingwen, Yang Lei, Li Qianlong, Shu Xueyao, Kang Mingchao, Mechanical behavior, acoustic emission and principal strain field evolution properties of layered cemented paste backfill under unconfined compression[J].Construction and Building Materials. 2024, 415:135111.
[2]Wang Bingwen, Gan Su, Yang Lei, Zhao Zhongqi, Wei Zhao, Wang Jiachen, Additivity effect on properties of cemented ultra-fine tailings backfill containing sodium silicate and calcium chloride[J].Minerals. 2024, 14: 154.
[3]Wang Bingwen, Li Qianlong*, Dong Pingbo, Gan Su, Yang Lei, Wang Ruizhong, Performance investigation of blast furnace slag based cemented paste backfill under low temperature and low atmospheric pressure[J].Construction and Building Materials. 2023, 363:129744.
[4]Wang Bingwen, Li Qianlong*, Wang Ruizhong, Wang Dongze, Dong Pingbo, Mechanical strength and hydration exothermic behavior of cemented paste backfill with early-strength agent under low temperature[J].International Journal of Mining, Reclamation and Environment. 2022, 36(10):710-723.
[5]Wang Bingwen, Wei Zhao*, Li Qianlong, Gan Su, Kang Mingchao, Yang Lei, Experimental study on the mechanical properties and cementation mechanism of microbial cemented fine tailings backfill[J].Construction and Building Materials. 2023, 409:134040.
[6]Li Qianlong,Wang Bingwen*, Wei Zhao, Zhong Yi, Experiment and numerical simulation study of polycarboxylate superplasticizer modified cemented ultrafine tailings filling slurry: Rheology, fluidity, and flow properties in pipeline[J].Construction and Building Materials. 2024, 438: 137041.
[7]Li Qianlong,Wang Bingwen*, Yang Lei, Kang Mingchao, Recycling multisource industrial waste residues as green binder for cemented ultrafine tailings backfill: Hydration kinetics, mechanical properties, and solidification mechanism[J].Powder Technology, 2024, 441: 119799.
[8]Li Qianlong,Wang Bingwen*, Yang Lei, Zhou Hanyu, Kang Mingchao, Li Ruihong, Shu Xueyao, Synthesis of cemented paste backfill by reutilizing multiple industrial waste residues and ultrafine tailings: Strength, microstructure, and GA-GPR prediction modeling[J].Powder Technology, 2024, 434:119337.
[9]Wang Bingwen, Gao Lijing, Xiong Tingyong, Cui Xiangyu, Li Yanan, Lei Kai, Study on relationship between ucs of cemented tailings backfill and weight losses of hydration products[J].Advances in Civil Engineering.2019, 9457309.
[10]Wang Bingwen, Xiong Tingyong, Gao Lijing, Chai Yuepeng, Cui, Xiangyu Ding Wei, Effects of tailings gradation on rheological properties of filling slurry[J].Advances in civil engineering. 2019, 6873840.
[11]王家臣,王炳文*,徐文彬,李乾龙.高海拔高寒地区金属矿山采选固废安全处置现状及研究进展[J].中国安全生产科学技术, 2022, 18(07):54-60.
[12]王炳文,廖国礼*,罗宇静,等.城市轨道交通建设生产安全事故统计分析[J/OL].工业安全与环保: 1-6. [2024-06-21].http://kns.cnki.net/kcms/detail/42.1640.X.20240425.0924.002.html
[13]王炳文*,甘肃,董平波,等.高寒地区尾砂胶结充填体固结特性试验研究[J].中国有色金属学报, 2022, 32(08):2446-2457.
[14]王炳文,黎林,张书金,等.基于FLAC3D模型的上向进路采场结构参数优化[J].中国矿业, 2020, 29(09): 93-96.
[15]王炳文,赵文华,熊庭永,等.尾砂充填料浆电渗脱水固结实验[J].中国矿业, 2020, 29(04): 84-88.
[16]王炳文,熊庭永,雷强,等.玲珑矿区多阶段遗留采空区群稳定性分析及治理[J].矿业科学学报, 2019, 4(05): 425-433.
[17]王炳文,熊庭永,崔向宇,等.九仗沟金矿上向进路采场结构参数优化[J].中国矿业, 2019, 28(07): 110-113.
[18]王炳文,高利晶,赵文华,等.玲珑金矿胶结剂固结尾砂的微观实验[J].矿业科学学报, 2019, 4(06): 524-530.
[19]王炳文,李全明,高利晶,等.全尾砂充填料浆电渗脱水固结试验研究[J].岩石力学与工程学报, 2019, 38(S1): 3163-3170.
[20]王炳文,徐鹏,张浩,等.九仗沟金矿采场岩体稳定性分析及参数优化[J].矿业科学学报, 2018, 3(06): 561-567.
[21]王炳文,侯亚星,王华群,等.九龙矿野青灰岩坚硬顶板爆破弱化效果分析与应用[J].中国煤炭, 2016, 42(02): 55-58+69.
[22]王炳文,张磊,赵军,等.大掺量粉煤灰充填料的激活试验研究[J].煤炭工程, 2014, 46(10): 192-195.
[23]王炳文,王成龙.遗留空区(群)治理与残余资源安全复采[M].北京:冶金工业出版社, 2019.
[24]王家臣,王炳文.金属矿床露天与地下开采[M].徐州:hth华体会网页版出版社, 2008.
[25]侯运炳,魏书祥,王炳文.尾砂固结排放技术[M].北京:冶金工业出版社. 2016.
Contact:Dr. Bingwen WANG, Professor
School of Energy and Mining Engineering
China University of Mining and Technology, Beijing
Ding No. 11 Xueyuan Road, Haidian District, Beijing 100083, P.R. China
Tel:+86 13693006633