Lei CHEN is a Senior Engineer working at the China University of Mining and Technology (Beijing). He is born inAugust 1982,Anhui Province, P. R. China. Chen received his BA, MA and PhD at China University of Mining and Technology (Beijing) in 2005, 2008 and 2017. He served as a Senior Engineer at China University of Mining and Technology (Beijing) since 2017,and worked as an Instructor and a Secretary of the Youth League Committee of College of Resources and Safety Engineering, CUMTB, during 2008 and 2013. His research interests includebackfill mining in coal mining engineering, human factors engineering in industrial engineering. The following is the representative publications:
[1]ChenLei;Lou Hengquan;Wang Xiangning and Hu Yuxin;The application of IE and genetic algorithm in the production line balance of company C.Modern Manufacturing Engineering. 2022.
[2]ChenLei;Wang xiangning, Lou Hengquan , Hu Yuxin and Jia Jimeng.Production line bottleneck identification and transfer prediction for capacity loss.Modern Manufacturing Engineering. 2022.
[3]Chen Lei;Zhang Haolin andJia Guilong.Time and Space Evolution Law of Surrounding Rock Deformation under the Influence of Mining. Earth and Environmental Science. 2020.
[4]Chen Lei;Zheng Zhiyang;Xu,Xiangqian and Zhao Jian.Relationship between the strength formation rate of the filling body and the advancing speed of the working face.Journal of Mining Science and Technology. 2018.
[5]Chen Lei; Zhao Jian and Zheng Zhiyang. Acoustic emission characteristics of compressive and failure of siltstone under different water contents.Advances in Materials Science and Engineering. 2017.
[6]ChenLei;Zhang Anbin; Zhang Peng andZhao Jian. Relationship between water content and K-G model parameters of unsaturated clay. Electronic Journal of Geotechnical Engineering. 2016.
[7]ChenLei;Yang Jinghu, Song Gf. Calculation of weighting interval and real-time working resistance based on the elastic foundation beam method. Electronic Journal of Geotechnical Engineering. 2016.
[8]ChenLei;Zhao Jian andZhao Ming. Influence factors of high cemented gangue backfill strength. Advances in Engineering Research.2016.
Contact:Lei CHEN,Senior Engineer
School of Energy and Mining Engineering
China University of Mining and Technology (Beijing)
Ding 11 Xueyuan Road, Beijing 100083, P. R. China