Dr. Shuwei Sun is a Professor at the School of Energy and Mining Engineering of China University of Mining and Technology (Beijing). Prof. Shuwei Sun’s main research interests are in slope stability analyses, slope reinforcements and landslide prevention. Formerly, he received his BA at East China Jiaotong Univerisy, and MA/PhD at China Academy of Railway Sciences, and was Post-doctoral Fellow at the department of Hydraulic Engineering of Tsinghua University. He has held the Government-sponsored visiting scholar position in Colorado School of Mines in the USA. He has been involved in several slope stabilization and open pit mining projects while working in China and the USA. He is a member of the International Society of Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical engineering and the International Society for Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering. Dr. Shuwei Sun has authored 3 books and over 60 refereed journal papers, including selected 10 recent signatures as follows.
[1]Sun, Sw., Wen, Q., Cavalcanti M., Yang, Xr., Wang Jq. Numerical and laboratory experiments on the toppling behavior of a massive single block: a case study of the Furnas Reservoir, Brazil.Landslides (2024). DOI 10.1007/s10346-024-02288-8. (SCI, Q1)
[2]Sun, Sw., Liu, L., Yang, Zx., Fu Xy. Toward a sound understanding of a large‑scale landslide at a mine waste dump, Anshan, China.Landslides (2023). 20: 2583–2602. DOI 10.1007/s10346-023-02136-1. (SCI, Q1)
[3]Sun, Sw., Liu, L., Hu, Jb, Ding H. Failure characteristics and mechanism of a rain-triggered landslide in the northern longwall of Fushun west open pit, China.Landslides (2022). 19: 2439-2458. DOI 10.1007/s10346-022 -01926- 3. (SCI, Q1)
[4]Sun, Sw., Pang, B., Hu, Jb. et al. Characteristics and mechanism of a landslide at Anqian iron mine, China.Landslides (2021). 18: 2593-2607. DOI 10.1007/ s10346- 021-01671-z. (SCI, Q1)
[5]Sun, S., Hu, J., Deng, A. et al. Comparative tests on the failure characteristics and mechanisms of slopes with curved surfaces.Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment (2023). 82: 357. DOI 10.1007/s10064-023-03379-x. (SCI, Q2)
[6]Sun, Sw., Yang, Zx., Pang, B. et al. Failure characteristics and mechanism of a landslide in weathered phyllite at Anqian iron mine, Liaoning, China.Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment(2022). 81: 425. DOI 10.1007/s10064-022-02939-x. (SCI, Q2)
[7]Shu-Wei Sun, Ben-Zhen Zhu, Jia-Chen Wang. Design method for stabilization of earth slopes with micropiles.Soils and Foundations (2013). 53(4): 487-497. DOI 10.1016/j.sandf.2013.06.002. (SCI, Q2)
[8] Tang, Y., Lin, H., Cao, R.Sun, S.W., Zha, W. H. Role of Rock Sections in Intermittent Joints in Controlling Rock Mass Strength and Failure Modes.Rock Mech Rock Eng (2023). https://doi.org/10.1007/s00603-023-03320-4. (SCI, Q1)
[9] Y. Wang,S. Sun*, B. Pang, L. Liu, Base friction test on unloading deformation mechanism of soft foundation waste dump under gravity,Measurement (2020). DOI 10.1016/j.measurement. 2020.108054. (SCI, Q1)
[10]Shuwei Sun, Fu-quan Chen, Wei Wang. Mechanism and remediation of a seismically induced landslide with a potential for deep seated sliding.Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering (2015). 52(3): 155-162. DOI 10.1007/s11204-015-9322-z.
Contact: Dr. Shu-wei Sun, Professor
School of Energy and Mining Engineering
China University of Mining and Technology, Beijing
Xueyuan Road D11, Beijing 100083, P.R. China
Email: sunshuwei@cumtb.edu.cn;